
你的位置 : 首頁 > 常見問題 > 關于美國本FEDEX派送問題
作者:環美運通國際海外倉儲 發布時間:2020-11-21









再次提醒禁止使用任何服務派送含酒精成分的產品以及洗手液等易燃物品,尤其是產品包裝上貼有 flammable logo 者 (請見以下照片),若發現將立即停止服務并追究責任。




請盡量在運單創建后60個小時以內,對不用的運單進行退款申請操作,超過60小時后申請退款的運單均需要Hold30天才能進行退款,敬請配合, 謝謝。

Dear Customer:

Please request a refund for the unused shipping label within 60 hours after the label was created. Please note that if you request a refund after 60 hours, it will be held for 30 days. Thank you for your kind cooperation.







收到 FedEx 的新通知,關於 Amazon FBA 的派送,除了以下四個 FBA 之外,其餘 Amazon FBA 可以使用 FedEx Ground 派送













- SMF3
- LGB8
- FTW1
- CLT2這

上述FBA 的倉庫地址,請勿使用 FedEx 送倉

除了以上之外的其他 Amazon FBA 皆可使用 FedEx 正常派送









另外FedEx/UPS 也希望寄件人能確認正確的收件地址,以及收件人是否可以正常收取包裹,盡量減少攔截包裹以及更改寄件地址的情況發生,因為目前在FedEx/UPS 的各個轉運倉的包裹數量過多,要找出該包裹加以攔截或改地址有一定的難度,敬請配合,謝謝!

Besides, FedEx / UPS also hopes that the sender can confirm the correct receiving address and whether the recipient can receive the package normally to minimize the occurrence of interception of the package and change of the delivery address.

Currently there are too many packages in FedEx/UPS warehouses which make it difficult to locate the package to intercept or change the address, please cooperate. Thank you for your cooperation.


1. 包裹攔截退回寄件

除了FedEx收取的費用以外,postlabels酌收每個包裹 $12的處理費

2. 包裹更改收件人地址
除了FedEx收取的費用以外,postlabels酌收每個包裹 $16 的處理費

3. 申請索賠
a. 包裹丟失索賠
postlabels酌收每個包裹 $5 的處理費 + 索賠成功金額的 5%
b. 包裹受損索賠
postlabels酌收每個包裹 $10 的處理費 + 索賠成功金額的 5%

注一. postlabels 將從 4/6 星期一 凌晨 12點 開始上述工單的收費
注二. postlabels 保有隨時更改和調整收費標準的權利


1. Parcel interception and return to sender
In addition to the fees charged by FedEx, Postlabels charges a processing fee of $ 10 per package

2. Parcel change recipient address
In addition to the fees charged by FedEx, Postlabels charges a processing fee of $ 15 per package

3. Claim
a. Lost package claim
Postlabels charges a processing fee of $ 5 per package + 5% of the successful amount of the claim

b. Package damage claim
Postlabels charges a processing fee of $ 10 per package + 5% of the successful amount of the claim

Note 1. Postlabels will charge for the above work orders starting from 12am on April 6 (Monday).
Note 2. Postlabels reserves the right to change and adjust the fees at any time.



近日收到 FedEx / UPS 通知,因為疫情緣故,美國本土派送業務有以下影響,請貴公司一起協助配合

1. 若收件人因疫情影響無法正常收取包裹,FedEx / UPS會保留包裹在其轉運中心七天左右的時間,時間一到該包裹會自動退回寄件者,并收取退回寄件者的相關費用,不做另行通知

2. 除了會收取退回包裹的費用之外,因為近期FedEx/UPS轉運中心堆積了太多的包裹,因此也增加了包裹遺失的風險

3. FedEx建議最好能先行聯系確認收件者可以收取包裹,再將包裹交給FedEx / UPS 派送,以避免產生額外的退回費用,并降低包裹丟失的風險


Recently we received notices from FedEx / UPS.  Because the epidemic situation is getting worth, the last mile delivery service may have the following changes.  Please do your best to cooperate with FedEx / UPS.

1. If the recipient cannot receive the package due to the impact of the epidemic, FedEx / UPS will keep the package at its transit center for about 7 days.  When the time comes, the package will be automatically returned to the shipper and the relevant fee for returning the package will be charged without further notice.

2. In addition to the fee for returning the package, because the FedEx / UPS transit centers have accumulated too many packages recently,. it also increases the risk of package loss.

3. FedEx / UPS suggests that it is best to contact the recipient first to confirm that the recipient can receive the package, and then deliver the package to FedEx / UPs for delivery to avoid additional return fees and reduce the risk of loss of the package.
